4 Occasions to Get Personalized Hats Made

One of the most generic ways to personalize an event is to design a t-shirt, but why be generic? With a personalized hat, you can still have the same effect, but stand out from the crowd. Many events take place outdoors, so a hat adds extra protection in addition to advertising your custom logo or design.

Sports teams

With custom logo hats, your sports team—whether for the kids or the adults—can walk out on the field in style. You pick your colors and your hat style and provide your team logo. Once you have done all of this, your hats are created and shipped directly to you. Can it get much easier when looking for something for the whole team?

Family functions

Whether it is a family reunion or an extended family vacation, custom new era hats are an original substitution for the classic t-shirts. Many families provide or create their own matching t-shirts for such occasions, but with a custom hat, you can have the same effect and no need to buy multiple or only match for a single day. The joys of a hat is that you do not need to wash it after each wear!


Service projects

Service projects typically involve anywhere from a handful of people to a full on crowd, and most hosts provide a complimentary something, many times a t-shirt that identifies the event and their volunteer status. When you customize hats for a service project, you can provide extra protection for those outside events and ensure that your volunteers are identified as volunteers. The hats identify them as volunteers and you do not need to worry about them covering up or not wearing the provided t-shirt.

Walk-a-thon groups

At Top It Off Hat Co, they will create the hat of your choice with the logo of your choice. This is a great way to advertise your walk-a-ton group as you earn money for whatever charity is hosting the event. With your group’s logo readily seen by any and all, you will have an advantage over those whose shirts get covered. It is also an easy way to show team unity without searching for the various sizes needed by the participants.

Customized hats are a less common way to show off your logos and promote unity. However, they are just as successful as t-shirts and easier to come by. If you have questions about whether or not your logo can be converted onto a hat, simply ask the company you are planning to work with; they will know what can and cannot be done with the logo.